Auto Repair Services
Oil Changes
Fluid Exchange
AC Repair
Belts & Hoses
Battery & Starters
CV Boots & Axles
Drivetrain & Clutch
Engine Checks
Lights & Wipers
Factory Maintenance
Wheel Alignment
Bring In Your Vehicle for Auto Repairs!
Brake Masters is a full service auto repair provider. Our mechanic shops offer lifetime brakes, oil changes, belts, hoses, air conditioning, engine checks & diagnostics, scheduled maintenance services and more. Brake Masters are your one-stop Total Automotive Repair Centers!
Our mechanics take P.R.I.D.E. in their work — "Personal Responsibility In Delivering Excellence" — and we’re confident you’ll notice when you visit one of our stores. Choose any auto repair services from the list to learn more about what it is and how we fix it to keep your vehicle running smoothly.